Well sheltered harbour. Entrance through a channel 2.2 km long. Berthing Quays, 1625 m, depth 5.20-10 m. On the NE of Vurnaza Bay is timber loading Quay Šipad 294 m long with 5-8 m alongside.
– In the North part of Klobusak Bay is the Rogac Quay, 432 m long, 7-10m depth alongside. 2/7 t and 3/5 t cranes. Hydrants for fresh water supply.
– On the North coast of Dobrika Bay is Gat Vrulje Quay. It is trapezoidal and is used for loading ore, general cargoes, bags cargoes and bulk cargoes. The head of the quay has a length of 113 m with a depth of 7,2 m alongside, the SE side of the quay has a length of 132 m with a depth of 9 m alongside. The NW side of the quay (RO-RO pier) has a length of 90 m with depths of 7-7,2 m alongside. The quay is provided with hydrants for water supply.
– From Gat Vrulje to inner bay is Dobrika Quay, 240 m long with a depth of 9,8 m alongside. Equipped with 1/400 t cap unloader for Phosphates.
– In NW part of harbour there is Crnica Pier 120 m long with depth of 5 m alongside.
– Obala Hrvatske mornarice quay 444 m long with depths from 3-3,5 m (10-18′) for yachts.
Transport system:
Rubber transporters – capacity
500 T/h ship line
300 T/h warehouse line
Unloading of the storage area
Half gantry material scraper with capacity of 300 T/h
Loading station
Wagon loading – loading station with 2 gauges and two scales
Capacity – 7000 T/day
Possibility of loading of different cargos on both gauges at the same time (ship line and warehouse line)
Gauge scales
Scales are electromechanical.
Maximum loading capacity 80 T, accuracy 12,5 kg.
Two bridges on each scale (possibility of measurement of axis pressure).
Possibility of loading of all types of railway wagons (loading from the top or from the side).
The wagons are loaded without being separated with loosened hooks.
Railway gauges
2 gauges, 600 m long each
Forming of the train on the terminal gauges
System management
Terminal activities are performed automatically with the control over all transport systems of unloading the ship,
loading the storage area and direct and indirect loading of wagons.
Referential cargos
Phosphate, KCL, DAP, MAP
Environment protection
Transshipping system is completely closed. All places of cargo loading are covered with the degusting system.