The crew members under the Croatian visa regime, and without a valid Schengen multiple entry visa, we need to approach to immigration authorities requesting a Croatian transit visa. The issuing process may take 3-5 working days.

Crew change for the foreign crew members which are not under the Croatian visa regime or holding a valid Schengen multiple entry visa is allowed under the following conditions:

– The crew change must be completed within 1-2 days.
– Hotel accommodation can be used for overnight stay if the convenient flights are not available.

The documents required in advance for the on/off signers:
– The crew passports and seamen books scans.
– E-tickets.

For the on signers:
– Besides the passport and seaman’s book, the immigration at the arrival airport will request the company letter showing the joiner’e embarkation details.

For the off signers:
– Passports, seaman’s books scans and E-tickets.

Store/spare delivery
No restrictions.

The same measures apply as for the crew change.

Other useful information Reporting requirements for the vessels calling Croatia:

1. In addition to the standard reporting requirements before a ship’s arrival, the ship’s master via agent shall communicate to the Croatian Maritime Administration and Sanitary Inspection a list of persons on board containing information on dates and ports of embarkation (refer to the form requested above).

2. National VTS service is monitoring movements of all ships on international voyages and if entering Croatian sea waters is contacting them on VHF and also informing national services.

3. In case of suspected infection of persons on board the ship shall be denied entry into port until the sanitary inspectors have identified the health status of persons on board the ship.

4. If an infection is confirmed the ship shall be denied entry into port and the infected person shall receive specific medical treatment following a specified protocol.

5. If the ship departs before laboratory results are obtained the Master and the next port of call shall be given a notification of the patient’s condition and eventual confirmation of infection.

6. In case the laboratory test confirms the infection before ship departure, the patient shall be disembarked and hospitalized subject to the recommended safeguards by medical personnel and advance notice of the patient’s transport will be given to the appropriate hospital.

7. The crew must stay on board during the vessel’s stay in Croatia.