Sep 2016
KB Namdal Delivery in Tehnomont
On 28.08.2016 loading of 24 m service vessel for fish-farming industry, NB 100 named “KB Namdal”, took place at Pula anchorage near Tehnomont shipyard.
In collaboration with our colleagues from Bandic Maritime, Eldmarc rendered local agency services to heavy lifter Mv HHL Nile which loaded “KB Namdal” at anchorage Pula for her final destination in Norway.
The vessel continues sequence of 24 m service ships that Tehnomont builds for Norwegian customer Moen Marin AS, but this one is particular regarding high volume of specific equipment. Namely the vessel has ROV (small submarine) controlled from bridge, hydraulic gear for repair of mooring ropes needed for anchorage of cages (Fiber Rope Lock and Plat Holder), air compressors and system for divers bottles and other specific equipment for fish-farming industry.
Couple of pictures of our attendance in Pula (more photos you can find on our page at Google+):